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Winter Warrior Enviro LEED

Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is the Superior ECO De-icer, designed specifically to be used around all Green Buildings / Properties, where there are environmental or corrosion concerns.

  • Powerful to -21 C (-6 F):   Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is very effective and powerful down to temperatures as low as -21C (-6F). It is much more practical and potent than using 100% CMA products, as it is exothermic and generates heat on contact.  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is effective in the toughest of winter conditions.
  • Contains CMA:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ contains CMA (Calcium Magnesium Acetate). CMA is made of dolomite lime and acetic acid and acts as a corrosion inhibitor.
  • For use around Green Buildings:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEAD er Icemelter ™ does NOT contain any salts, chlorides, nitrogen or triazoles. It is a viable economical Green sustainable option for melting the ice, around Green eco-buildings.
  • Safest for the Environment:   Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is readily biodegradable at low temperatures and safe on the environment. It has a neutral pH balance of 7.5–8.5. When compared to other icemelters, like urea, it has a relatively low biological oxygen demand. It contains NO nitrogen, so is safe around aquatic life as well.
  • Green Color:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is green in color making the product more economical to spread. Users can easily see their application rate, so as to not over spread the product. Everyone can see that the icemelter has been spread, thereby reducing liability claims.
  • Non-Corrosive:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is chloride free and completely non corrosive. For this reason, it is a great product to be used around any areas containing steel or metal, including concrete parking structures, roads or bridge decks.
  • Safe on Concrete:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter is safe on concrete. It does not chemically harm or alter concrete like other de-icers on the market, and it does not cause any
    concrete spalling.
  • Easy to Apply:  Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ is easy to apply. It can be applied in its solid granule form or can be made into liquid. In granule format, the product should be applied at a
    rate of 4-8 lb per 1,000 square feet (20-40 g/m²). To convert the product into a liquid format, simply dilute 25% product into 75% water.  Liquid Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™ can be used to spray on difficult structures that are impractical for granules or it can even be used as an anti-icing agent.
44 lb
15.75 × 4 × 26.75 in
$ 174.10 CAD
$ 174.10 CAD